
Cloud Time & Attendance System

User Friendly & Well Organised

Our software has been designed with the user in mind, and the interface is easy to understand, navigate, and use, and ultimately lead to greater success in time tracking.

Works With Most Biometric Devices

TimeTaag Software is compatible with several popular biometric device brands such as ZKTeco, eSSL, and more, making it an efficient solution for your attendance tracking needs.

No Need Static Public IP Address

The biometric device does not require a static public IP address to link to our software. Any standard internet connection is sufficient to access and use our software, making it a convenient solution for businesses of all sizes.

Accessible From Anywhere

Our cloud-based online software is accessible from any computer or mobile device, making it easy to monitor employee attendance from anywhere.

Partnered With Installers

If you don’t currently have a biometric device installed, we can assist you with that as well. We have partnered with trusted biometric device installers in your city who can provide reliable and efficient installation services for your convenience.

Easy Solutions

Easy & Valuable to HR professionals and business owners